As Monderyn was leaving, Ahnasha laid Rhazii back down in the bed, hoping he would be able to get back to sleep. She then moved back to the foot of the bed and sat down beside Fendros and started to rub his shoulder lightly. She wanted to say more, to have something with which she could comfort him, but she had no experience or advice that she could give. All she could do was to give silent comfort in the form of her presence. For Meesei, there was much she wanted to say, but at the moment, there was little she felt that she should say. In his current emotional state, Meesei guessed that he would need time to calm down and clear his mind. She could any advice she could think of later. "I will let you two rest, but...Fendros, if you need to talk to me, I am always here for you." She said reassuringly before leaving to return to her own room. Kaleeth let out a relieved sigh, then reached over and set down her mace on the end table at the foot of their bed. "That is good, at least. If anyone can help, it is Meesei. I would hate it if I knew that my family didn't like me, and...I just hope things get better for them. I...will make sure I know where my mace is, for next time." Following Janius' recommendation, she returned to the bed and covered herself in the fur blanket, rolling over and almost immediately taking up more than her fair share of their bed without realizing it.