[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/ArcanicNeon%20ReganOs.jpg_zpswfcsp6jh.png?t=1445077116[/img] ArcanicNeon (ReganOs)[/h1] [h2]Ester Gardner[/h2] Ester looked down at Her hip, a medium sized blood stain on her shirt. 'Oh. Jenna, Jenna it's just a graze. I'm fine.' She said, walking towards her and placing her hands on her shoulders. 'It's nothing. It's just a graze. There are worse places he could of shot me.' Ester said reassuringly. Even though she remained her calm demeanor, inside she was freaking out. She was almost shot in the hip, and she noticed how the blood was still going. Was it deep enough to leave a scar? while it would be cool to have one, Ester was still panicking at the fact she was shot at and received a graze. 'I think it's going to leave a scar. Maybe, Not sure. But son of a bitch this really hurts.' She admitted, grunting slightly. 'I'm not sure where Sam and Christian are.' She said, looking around while her hands were on Jenna's shoulders.