[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Prince%20of%20Seraphs_zps6qypb9oe.jpg?t=1445046042[/img] Prince of Seraphs[/h1] [h2]Christian Tylers[/h2] Christian heard the sounds of something small clipping shut. It sounded wooden, older styled hinges, a bit creaky but with that sort of antique feel to the sound. Christian decided to hope that it wasn't a box full of small sharp knives that would soon be applied to his skin. A far more likely conclusion given the estimated size would be a tobacco box, or possible a cigar box Christian still wasn't completely sure what it was the man in the expensive suit was smoking. Christian let out a slow shaky breath, the man had seen through what his question was intended to do. In another instant Christian heard another match being struck and quickly sucked in a breath as the smell of tobacco filled the air. He didn't really want to spent his final moments having an asthma attack. Christian was relieved to hear that Sam was alright but at the same time he was worried. Between the two of them she was the tough one. Sure she seemed to have a great deal of emotional baggage but as far as survival skills went she trumped him every time. So if he was the one that had woken up first then she must have hit her head harder than he'd realized. She could have a concussion or else be bleeding severely. While Christian contemplated there situation he tracked the man in the expensive suit's foot steps over the concrete, circling there chairs till he crossed onto the tarp that seemed to be laid out beneath them. He came to stop somewhere close behind there chairs, assuming of course that Sam's was set up right beside his. When the man talked about the condition Sam was currently in he heard a soft swish sound, like too soft substances brushing against each other. It was the sound he traditionally heard in the morning while he was brushing his hair. Christian was left with the disturbing image of the man in the expensive suit running his fingers over Sam's hair, caressing her face. Christian shook the image off with a shudder. He still didn't know how to answer the man, what response would get them out alive but it was op to him. Sam was unconscious and even when she did wake up though she seemed to have more experience dealing with things like this she also a disturbing lack of social grace. She might know the right thing to say but more likely the way she said it would be enough to have them both put in the ground. Christian just needed to keep the man talking. "Hypothetically," he said starting to form the questions, questions were best, in most people it was hard wired into them not to leave a question unanswered, whether they responded with the truth or not. Questions would at least for the moment keep them alive. "Let's say we were there by chance dumpster diving, isn't this meeting we're having now enough to have... what do you call them, your clean up crew take care of us?"