[hider=Lily] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/12/3a/a4123a251b86931727196664bff5122a.jpg[/img] Roughly 5'6[/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Lily Brightendale [b]Nickname:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 21 (178 in Angel Years as she was born in the Victorian Era) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Powers: [/b] [b]Typical Angel Powers[/b] - Limited Healing (Lily takes on the injuries of the person she heals.) - Holy White Flame (Lily can summon a Holy Flame. It is white hot and will only harm those with ill intent. It will slightly heal those with good intentions. (This will be decided by the other player of the character being touched by the flame.)) - Wings of an Angel (Lily can summon her angel wings and use them to aid her.) - Angel's Aura (As an Angel, Lily can manipulate her aura by diminishing it or expanding it. Diminishing it makes her harder to find by other characters with this sort of ability as well as makes her aura grow in density. Expanding it allows her to search for other auras and she can see the relative color and type of the aura and if it something she has seen before, she will be able to know what sort of creature that person is, human or not. She cannot distinguish powers, however. If she has seen someone's aura before, she can find them using this ability. However, it also lets off some of the aura, lowering the density of her own aura and weakening her. Her powers strength depends upon this aura and it's strength does have a cap.) [b]Skills: [/b] - Piano - Cooking [b]Hobbies: [/b] - Sob uncontrollably. - Write Hate Letters to her Daddy. #DaddyIssues - Try, in vain, to sleep. - Reading [b]Personality:[/b] Lily is usually very kind and unselfish but the Angel War has changed her into a rather rough individual. She lashes out easily and angers easily. She does not enjoy talking to others as she once did, but will often come to the rescue of most anyone in need. She is cold, but that part of her has not changed. [b]Background:[/b] Lily has a rather long history. But, for the sake of time and, your sake, I'll try to keep it short. Lily is the adopted daughter of Michael, the arch-angel. Lucifer, before his fall, was supposed to be her father. Upset with this, Lucifer came back with a vengence. Several years passby, and several events. After gradutaing from her school, Lily was forced to join the War between the Angels and Demons. Lucifer, wanting Lily out of the battle, unlike Michael, decided to open a portal to an alternate universe and pushed Lily in. Now, she finds herself at Orean Cause, trying to battle her own emotions. Should she try to go back and help her father, or go with her gut and simply stay where she is? Time will tell. [b]Optionals:[/b] Lily has a ring hanging on a simple thread around her neck and a black feather tattooed on her arm. [b]Theme song:[/b] Counting Stars [b]Clubs:[/b] Music Club (When she decides to go) [b]Dreams:[/b] She doesn't know, or have one.