[center][img]http://i668.photobucket.com/albums/vv44/KamariKaori/Anime/Girls/AtLA_OC___Kita_by_cirrusarts.jpg[/img] [u][b]{Name}[/b][/u] [i]Kasumi Michiyo[/i]. [u][b]{Nickname}[/b][/u] [i]Other than being called the Avatar, wherever she goes, she doesn't really like having nicknames because she feels that people give you one when they forget your actual name. But Kas or Avatar Kasumi is acceptable.[/i] [u][b]{Age}[/b][/u] [i]20.[/i] [u][b]{Gender}[/b][/u] [i]Female.[/i] [u][b]{Sexuality}[/b][/u] [i]Kasumi is attracted to people that are fierce but have a tender side as well. She is also attracted to people with intelligence. So, basically Sapiosexual.[/i] [u][b]{Appearance}[/b][/u] [i]Kasumi is fairly attractive to be the Avatar. She has long, raven colored hair that cascades down to her mid back, though she usually keeps it in a braided ponytail. She has fairly tanned skin from training in the sun in some parts of the other nations but it looks good on her so she isn't really bothered by it. She has tinted blue eyes, which are well rounded and accents her cute, shy look. She is about five foot six and weighs about one hundred and thirteen pounds. She has a petite, delicate frame though she has muscle from training. Kasumi is typically seen dressed in the traditional Southern Water Tribe wear, though she requested it be like a dress instead of pants and that her shoes be opened up in the back.[/i] [u][b]{Primary Element} [/b][/u] [i]Water.[/i] [u][b]{Secondary Element} [/b][/u] [i]Ice. She can control forms of ice as well. Even turn it water and heal someone.[/i] [u][b]{Strengths}[/b][/u] [i]Bending water would be Kasumi's ultimate strength since she was basically trained ever since she could walk. She is also very flexible and most people can tell this by the way she moves so fluidly when she bends sometimes. She is also a great Earthbender because of the pure strength they have to use when bending. She was taught by some of the best Earthbenders wherever she went to Ba Sing Se.[/i] [u][b]{Weaknesses} [/b][/u] [i]Her emotions would be her number one weakness because she feels like that she will fail everyone in her tribe and the nations. She cannot bend fire to save herself or others, which is the element she is lacking the most since she is not as fierce as everyone thinks she is.[/i] [u][b]{Personality}[/b][/u] [i]Kasumi is a natural quiet, shy type of person but after visiting the other nations, she has learned to open up a bit more and express herself in a different way. She is very intelligent for her age and uses it in a way that no one else has seen before. Kasumi also keeps her emotions somewhat controlled unless she is pushed to the point of no return. Overall, Kasumi is the best person to be around because of her positive aura. She recedes negativity and just doesn't want to be around it, at all.[/i] [u][b]{History}[/b][/u] [i]Kasumi is the second born out of a pair of twins, her brother Flippy, is the first born. Most people found Kasumi quite odd when she was the Avatar because for one, she was born second and for two, she didn't possess that Avatar like quality. Growing up, she had to be apart from her brother most of the time because she was getting praised and worshipped throughout the nations. It pained her when she had to leave home and not see her other half for quite sometime. Her brother is her equal and people talk about them like they equals. Kasumi has never wanted Flippy to live in her shadow but it sort of happened anyway. Now that she is twenty, her life is about to embark on a new journey, one that she is totally not ready for though she'd never tell anyone that.[/i][/center]