[quote=64-Hit Combo] As much as I'd very much like to participate in this, my parents have decided I need to commit more time to studying (which I can't really argue with). They've pretty seriously limited when I have access to the internet. I think I'm going to have to resign Lupin and Jigen on this one. Sorry :( [/quote] Oh, no problem, maybe next time. Real life does have to come first after all. [quote=TheRpgGamer] i have a suggestion so instead of a minimum of 20 let's change it since that is too many(Also, you can't gather that much people since people have different interests). So let's change the number, I am suggesting that there is at least 15 or 16 people playing the RP just like the number of people in Danganronpa. If you don't mind that is. I am only suggesting this because i am really excited like REALLY EXCITED [/quote] The only problem is that if we do start with 15 or 16 people, then I could only make one character a traitor. Or else the character death rate would instantly eat up all of the characters present. xD [quote=nerminator] wait we can have 3 characters? :D [/quote] Yup. In order to fill up the character slots at least. :3