[hider=W.I.P.][center][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/avatar/images/e/ed/Tired_adult_Aang.png/revision/latest?cb=20130307233416[/img] [u][b]{Name}[/b][/u] [i]Jangbu[/i]. [u][b]{Nickname}[/b][/u] [i]Nothing Official[/i] [u][b]{Age}[/b][/u] [i]25.[/i] [u][b]{Gender}[/b][/u] [i]Male.[/i] [u][b]{Sexuality}[/b][/u] [i]Asexual. His culture stresses separation from everything. You are allowed to fall in love, but must also be willing to let it all go. He doesn't have a preference, though he finds people who are obsessed with anything annoying.[/i] [u][b]{Appearance}[/b][/u] He's a thin bald man with a small beard who wears blue clothes with white trim. Most Airbenders wear orange and yellow, and that is exactly why he does not. He almost convinced his elders to make his Master Airbender Arrows different, but they wouldn't budge on it. [u][b]{Primary Element} [/b][/u] [i]Air[/i] [u][b]{Secondary Element} [/b][/u] [i]Spirit. He's very spiritual, and can freely communicate with spirits. He's also empathic, and can sense Human emotions as well.[/i] [u][b]{Strengths}[/b][/u] {What are their ultimate strengths?} When it comes to spiritual matters, he's one of the best. He's well traveled, friendly, and diplomatic. On the rare ocassions that he needs to, he's good at a fight, using his superior speed and maneuverability to disable opponents. He has a lot of energy. [u][b]{Weaknesses} [/b][/u] {What are their ultimate weaknesses?} He can be impatient, and unfocused unless he's really trying. He wants to be everywhere, and do everything, all at the same time. As friendly as he is, he can be annoying with his thoughts going every which way, and never wanting to stay in one place for long. He does not like being penned in, meaning he doesn't like being inside buildings or underground. Air Temples often have big rooms, large windows, and a lot of balconies, so they're fine, but houses of other cultures often have small rooms with tiny windows, crowded with furniture. [u][b]{Personality}[/b][/u] {At least one paragraph.} Somewhat of a cloud cuckoolander. He's friendly, polite, and generous. He has a lot of empathy, and can sense emotions, which often keeps people from taking advantage of his generous nature. Unless you're really good at hiding ulterior motives. He likes meeting people, but sometimes doesn't remember their names. He is capable of being very involved in something one day, and completely ignoring it another, due to his training. This leaves some people thinking he's bipolar or otherwise fake. This includes training, much to the annoyance of any student he has. As a master he's expected to train people, but he doesn't like being on a set schedule. [u][b]{History}[/b][/u] Jangbu was born in the Southern Air Temple, where he grew up living a peaceful life. He was taught to express himself freely, which sometimes caused trouble for the elders when he felt things were getting a little too peaceful. In his teens he traveled to the other Air Temples, and met people along the way. He trained in his bending art, eventually learning a new technique and getting his arrows. When they found out who the next Avatar was, he went to meet her, and play a bit, but after being covered in snow one too many times he took off again. Since he became a master just before Kasumi was set to begin her Avatar training, he was chosen to be her master. Whether or not this was the elder's attempts to get rid of him was unclear, since they believed even Airbenders needed some conformity. [/center][/hider]