[center] Name: Danny Swayze Age: 22 Appearance: [url]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k216/grimdragon/Skinhead/untitled.jpg[/url] Personality: Just like his demon, Danny is nothin' but anger. He is obsessed with morales, honor, loyalty, truth, ect. But has a love for smashing somebodies head in with the heal of his boot. He's incredibly respectful of women, in his own way, and never hit a girl. But any other kike, coon, wetback, gook, or fag, he'd gladly break a bottle over their head. Bio: He grew up in Dublin Ireland, right in the fuckin' center. He was adopted by a local group of skins and gladly took up in their ranks. He was feared and respected by outsiders due to how quick he was to fight, and just how god-damned good at it he was. Surprisingly he never spent time in jail, but that was cuz no cop had the balls to arrest him, and no court was going to stick their necks out just to land him time. Demon: Wrath [/center]