[hider=Iwao Botan][center]Name: Iwao Botan Nickname: None thus far Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Iwao is attracted to members of the opposite sex, but has more important things to do than think about love. Stuff…like….umm….throwing rocks around! Appearance: [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/226/2/8/2891404954af05a71cfcd3a33b7b515b-d5b3ghl.jpg[/img] Iwao stands at roughly six feet tall, with brown hair and the piercing green eyes shared by many natives of the Earth Kingdom. The wrappings around his arms and legs are not only stylish, but cover the numerous burns he inflicted upon himself while trying to learn how to Lavabend. Primary Element: Earth Secondary Element: Lava Strengths: Iwao is very level headed (some would say grounded. Lol. Earthbending humor) and is excellent at moderating conflict. Even though he is an excellent bender he won’t hesitate to attempt to talk things out first. Weaknesses: Heights. Iwao is absolutely TERRIFIED of heights. Personality: Iwao is a very funny and outgoing individual, constantly making jokes and quips (normally at his own expense for the sake of comedy). He enjoys the company of others, and is always eager to make new friends. However this isn’t without fault. His outgoing nature sometimes causes Iwao to put trust in people he shouldn’t, which has come back to bite him in the ass in his past. History: Iwao lived with his family in a large village on an island off the coast of the mainland Earth Kingdom (the large island to the east of Kyoshi Island). Both of his parents were earthbenders, and Iwao and his older brother Ro trained from a young age to master their family’s element. Life was good, until the volcano to the north of their village erupted. The village was far enough south that it would be spared from the noxious fumes, but the lava flow was headed straight for the village. Earthbenders from the village left to divert the flow. They were successful, but Ro perished in the struggle against the lava. After that day Iwao’s parent’s lost a lot of their passion for bending, and he began to train himself. Soon Iwao would scale the volcano, reaching the summit and attempting to learn Lavabending. He met the Avatar at a young age when she was travelling to Ba Sing Se. Her ship stopped in Iwao’s village to gather supplies. The entire village was abuzz trying to meet her, so Iwao only caught fleeting glances. However when he heard that she was ready to truly learn the elements he was eager at the chance to show her Earthbending, and quickly set off for the Southern Water Tribe.[/center][/hider]