Winnifred made her own trip to the armory to fetch what she'd require for the mission. Not a terribly long list by any means, as a firearm, a revolver specifically, and ammunition were the biggest priorities of course. Following it was her favored combat outfit. Thick clothing that was lightly armored for the sake of not sacrificing any mobility, topped off with boots and protective gloves. Once she had her gear ready, she made her way to the teleporter room to meet with her allies. "Alright, I'm ready," she announced as she walked in and saw the others. "And I'm assuming you're all ready to go too?" She was a little nervous about taking on a creature capable of turning her and her teammates to stone as her first assignment of the school year, but tried not to let that fact show in the way she spoke or the way she carried herself as she walked. With the team setup as it was, Winnifred figured things would end up more or less alright.