Alright he's done. I'm not entirely happy with his history, but whatever. I hate making histories anyway. [hider=Yue Wudao][center]Name: Yue Wudao (Yue translated to moon, Wudao to dance. So his name means moon dance, or dance of the moon.) Nickname: He doesn't really have any Age: 24 Gender: Male Sexuality: He doesn't care much for love as he is already married to his sword. Appearance: [img][/img] Yue is a small man, standing at about five and a half feet tall. His build is lean and athletic, you won't find an ounce of fat on this guy. He has long brown hair that he usually keeps tied back in a pony tail, save for those damn front pieces that aren't quite long enough to keep back. His eyes are a golden brown in color, they can look anywhere from orange to gold depending on the lighting. Despite his years of fighting experience, he only has one [url=]scar[/url] across his back. Any others that he has are on his front side, as he guards his back well. Strengths: Yue is a master of any and all things weaponry. He can pick up a weapon and wield it effectively. His favorites are the [url=]jian[/url] and a wooden staff the same height that he is. Those are the two that he carries around, along with a tessen, or bladed fan. He is physically strong from years of swinging weapons around. He is quick, fast, and agile, which are three completely different things. Quickness is how fast one strikes, fast is the speed at which one moves, and agility is ones ability to move well. These three things give him an almost dance like fighting style. Weaknesses: Yue's size is definitely a weakness, it makes it so he can't be as physically strong as tall, more well built people. But, it can also be a strength in certain situations. He is not a bender, and thus doesn't have the same long range fighting potential as benders. He is much, much better fighting short ranged. He is severely claustrophobic small or closed in spaces make his skin crawl and his mind cease to work. Personality: Yue was forced to grow up too fast, thus he is an incredibly mature and serious individual. He likes to keep on track of things and doesn't have much time for fun. He can keep a cool head in almost any situation. He's stubborn and feisty, he won't be giving up without a fight. He's observant and sees a lot more than people give him credit for. People assume that he's all brawn and no brain, but that isn't true, he's got a good head on his shoulders and a lot common sense and world experience than most. He doesn't like to talk much, but when he does, you better listen, because its usually important. He's a good listener, but don't ask him for advice, his people skills are pretty much none existent. History: One could tell by his looks, but Yue was born in the Fire Nation, though without the ability to bend. Instead his father forced him to train day and night in the ways of weaponry so that he could still fight for his leader. He wasn't allowed to have friends or play with the other children his age, isolating him and not letting him develop important people skills for later in his life. His life was pretty much nothing but weapons and training well into his teenage years. By the time he had the choice to do anything else, weaponry was his entire life and he couldn't imagine doing anything else. At sixteen he left his home in search for more challenging opponents and new weapons to learn. He hasn't been back since.[/center][/hider]