[quote=Major Ursa] Ghoul humans are allowed...right? I'm thinking of making my Malkavian a sidekick... 3: [quote=I am the Black Wizards] Everybody loves the Malks. It's interesting. I swear they are like the most popular clan to play as. And I'm not quite certain as to why. But it's definitely a trend. I'll bet a chronicle built for all Malkavian players would probably be a super big hit on here. [/quote] Malkavian fo' life! I guess people like playing them due to their many flavors of batshit nutty? [/quote] People can definitely have Ghouls, Blood Dolls, or maybe even Childe(r) if they want. Its all about creating your own character and how they fit into this setting and universe. That's partially why I haven't given any real NPCs away is because I kind of want to give you guys the free reign to make up some of your own which could be incorporated.