OKAY! The first post in the IC has been edited to be the first actual in-character game post. I started much the same a I did in the original Thunderbolt Black: With a bang! The base is under attack, and you may have your characters either: [list] [*]A) Be on the base and waiting for the briefing, and so be scrambled into the air [*]B) Be airborne on their way to the base, and be directed to join the air defence effort [/list] Either way, have them reply to Scott's message, and once I get a round of replies, I'll get us into the furball, and from there into the bigger plot. I thought a big exciting opening would be good - it gets the pace going from the start, and we all get to strut our stuff! I imagine this being like the big 'pre-credits sequence' in a TV show or a movie. Some action at the start to draw the viewer/player in, and then a bit of working out what's happening and some associated drama, before the next exciting sequence.