Name: Andrew Rackham Nickname: "The Old Coot" " The Wise Bearded man" Gender:Male Age:62 Appearance:[img][/img] Type of Character: Civie Rank:N/a (Formerly a naval captain) Armor/Clothing:He wears a simple ballcap with a faded symbol on it but if one looks closely the words "Elysian Comets" on it with a baseball bat and ball on it, a generic and faded white t-shirt is worn underneath a brown tattered grease and mud soaked jacket, a pair of dity gray slacks that resemble more of a brown than gray due to dirt and mud, and a nice sturdy pair of stolen combat boots. Weapons: MA5B Assault Rifle 2 full clips, 3 full clips M6D Sidearm, Equipment: Some stolen MRES and canteen, Bottle of scotch, and 2 flares. Personality: Andrew is a man ravaged by the ghosts of the past to many he might seem insane but if one sat and listened to his stories they would realize this man is suffering from a strong case of PTSD and survivors guilt, but when he isn't blaming himself from the mistakes of his past or drinking heavily Andrew is a kind man who people can rely upon to be supportive or a ear that will listen, also the old man is incredibly smart and creative he was a brilliant tactician during the war and still is. History: Andrew grew up in Elysium city on Eridanus II, the son of a corporate CEO and his mistress. Andrew grew up a secret child to this man only seeing his father a few hours a month, Andrew grew up envying the other family the life he should of had. When the boy reached the age of ten his father divorced his wife and married his mother and for the first time in his life things were complete and it seemed his wish for his father had come true. As the boy grew older he expressed a desire to get out there and explore so he showed his father a brochure for a naval academy on Reach his father agreed and sent the boy to the academy. Within the academy the boy learned how to use weapons, he learned a variety of tactics, and most of all how to command a ship. Which interested the teen so much that he yearned to be able to sail among the stars in a ship of his own. Upon graduation the now adult Andrew was stationed upon the UNSC Basilisk and sent out to fight insurrectionists. When operation TREBUCHET rolled around a few years later Andrew was in command of a carrier named UNSC Tempest, his job during the operation was to deploy all UNSC personnel to his former home world so they could capture a high ranking insurrectionist and former marine Colonel Robert Watts. Their mission was ultimately a success and upon victory in operation Trebuchet, Andrew was promoted to captain. Andrew was still in command of the UNSC Tempest when the covenant began carve a bloody swath through UNSC controlled space and in the second battle over his homeworld there was no great victory instead there was a bitter defeat as the Tempest and one other ship entered slipspace heavily damaged and Andrew's homeworld was glassed behind him. After the glassing of Eridanus II Andrew was filled became a shut in and he didn't speak but he had a renewed energy when it came to battle with the covenant going from battle to battle and either surviving defeat after defeat or winning the occasional victory under Admiral Cole. During the battle of Reach, Andrew went above and beyond, deploying men and women to the surface of Reach and occasionally sending a volley of Archers at a group of covenant ships but he really shined when he used a group of ODST drop pods as missile platforms to launch SHIVA warheads at covenant ships but still Reach was a defeat and most of the fleet went on the retreat. The next battle Andrew took part in was the battle of Earth, it was here where the UNSC Tempest was split right down the middle and 75% of the crew were killed leaving Andrew with a large amount of guilt and survivors guilt. After the second battle of Earth, Andrew became a wanderer he went from planet to planet looking for a permanent place to stay. Eventually during the resettling of Reach Andrew found a home in New Alexandria using the last of his money to get there he found he was broke and had nowhere to stay so he blended in with other refugees and homeless men from the war returning home to Reach. When the flood invaded Reach, Andrew survived by keeping to his training in the academy and being able to stay off the grid. Other:N/a