Christopher sat on top of his horse as he listened to the man tell him what was going on. "I see. Well, if you would pardon my fellow guild members, they are known for getting in trouble quiet easily." Christopher spoke with a slight smile on his face. "I'm sure they do not wish to interfere with the workings of the high king himself. If you wish, I would be glad to help in the search for your villain. I have two horses here, and we would be very quick at finding your lost traitor if you can give us a full description of his aura." Christopher offered. Aurore instantly shook her head as her horse nearly bumped into Christopher's, "Who said you can tell me what I'm willing to do? I'm not exactly sure about this situation. I trust the other members. I'd rather not get stuck in the middle of this if it turn's out we're on the wrong side." she debated, glaring at Christopher from where she trotted.