"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lily Beckett, paladin. I am a Duskblade, well, as much as one can be knowing only a few meager spells, and has the ability to almost adequately use a katana one handed." Nyshara smiled softly, and laughed returning a lighthearted joke to her new acquaintance. She then turned to face the halfling that had approached her and firmly gripped his hand to accept the handshake. "A rather unintelligible half-orc rogue by the name of Marendithas Spelloyal sent me your way. If I had known he was a fence then the encounter would have not been as cordial." she seemed to hiss the word fence as if it was poison, but let the matter drop. "If you want, I have the letter in my possession if you need confirmation of my narration." She carefully reached into her pack and produced the letter and handed it to Korick.