Ranko watched with a lot of excitement how everyone entered the room, and greeted all of them with an excited, energetic wave. She was known for being cheerful and a bit excitable, but today it was worse than ever before. She just couldn't hide her excitement of having her new teammates be announced there. Though, her excitement went a bit down when someone else, Nayta, mocked her initial greeting. Not because of him mocking her, but because he wasn't as original as Ranko thought she was with her greeting. She looked at the boy and stick out her tongue at him, before turning around with a 'hmph'. Though, when the other Jonin went into the room and handed the other two a paper, Ranko started hearing attentively to the Jonin's, eager to know who her teammates were going to be. It was definitely exciting and a bit nerve wracking. When the Uchiha Jonin stood up, Ranko just wished she was in his team. He seemed like the kind of guy who could teach some really cool moves. Fortunately, the name he pronounced first was hers, and a big smile spread across her face. [color=ec008c]"Yay, yay!"[/color] She started cheering and jumping at that same moment. [color=ec008c]"Dango! Nagato! Let's get along real well, okay!"[/color] The cheerful Ranko said, taking both of the boys hands into her own and smiling widely at them. She then turned to see their Jonin with the same big smile on her face. [color=ec008c]"And Jerin-sensei! I hope you take good care of us! In return, I'll do my very best!"[/color] She said, the big smile in her face still there. [color=ec008c]"We'll all give it our all, right guys?"[/color] The excitable girl adressed her comrades yet again.