What the hell should we call you? - Silas Greaves What....are you even? - Human, What did you expect? And where the heck are you from? - Call of Juarez - Gunslinger How friggin' old are you anyway? - Somewhere about 40 ish You a lady or a dude or what..? - I'm a man shorty So like...what are you like? - When it comes to personality it's often impulsive and quick, quite the slow talker but very honourable And what do you like? - Poker, Drinking, Checkers and shooting Anything else we should know about - I'm very good with a shotgun, rifle and pistol and I'm impeccable when it comes to quick-draws, also such a skilled shooter time nearly slows around me [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130523075333/callofjuarez/images/2/24/Silas_Greaves.jpg[/img]