He smiled and gave her a wink. " Who says I don't like to to torture?" He chuckled before continuing. " No. I never found it appealing so I left that sort of thing to the person who is now leading my armies." He sighed before thinking about where to go. " We continue on this road, hopefully get into the demon lands without an issue. Then we take the road south till we hit the forest. My manor is on the edge. From there we can take a horse straight to the capital, hopefully with out issue." He gave her a smile at the plan before continuing forward. " Also I'm sorry if I do or say anything that might make matters worse. But when we reach my manor, I am nothing to you but an escort, If Jezebel found out about you now, she would probably rip us both apart." He shuddered slightly at the thought of his succubus using her claws to defile him before gutting him and leaving his insides to pool out. His mind also flashed back to the dream of Lydia trapped in the great hall back in the dwarven outpost. Neither thought appealed to him but he couldn't get the images out of his head.