Winnifred listened to the sprite's instructions as the group arrived at their destination. She tucked some hair behind her ear and double checked that her revolver was loaded, ready to fire whenever she spotted her target. She looked around the town and studied her surroundings, keeping her eyes open for the sign of anything amiss. The sound of a sudden car horn startled her and she flinched slightly, whipping around to see the car before regaining her composure a second later. "South of town... Corn fields south of town, got it." she mumbled to herself after listening to driver of the car. Winnifred looked back at her allies and gave a brief nod, saying, "Well, sounds to me like we know where to look first, eh? With any luck, we'll have this thing taken care of in record time." She started walking in the direction that the driver had indicated, trying to spot the corn fields.