The themes don't necessarily need to be mythological of fairy-tale based, but it helps because those are some of the most rich. For future reference [url=]here is a list of prominent fairy-tale characters.[/url] Rumplestiltskin, Mary, Peter Pan, Hansel and Gretel, Maleficent, and Puss in Boots are already taken; that's all I really know. [quote=Agent B52] I'm glad I have such an easy time coming up with a theme. [url=]It's fairly obvious given his arc with his family.[/url] Also for funsies I've added a section where you can post original ideas for Grimm at the bottom of the google doc. Add your own form of horrible soul destroying abominations there for maximum funtimes inspiration! [/quote] I just now checked the document. That's a lot of Grimm ideas [url=]A shame they're going to go to waste.[/url] I kid, I kid. I'll incorporate both the old ones and the new ones into the new Grand Bestiary. [b]Big news time[/b] I want to promote two or three of you to Co-GM to help manage monsters, teachers, and so on. Literacy, organizational skills, and an online presence at least every other day are key. Anyone who wants in may tell me so on the document.