Korick grabbed the letter and checked the back of the it. Clears as day there were several markings on the back, they seemed to be Spelloyal's signature in thieve's cant before stashing it away in his pack. "Well we shouldn't be waiting much longer," Korick proclaimed as he climb on a boulder to get a better view, "Alden's here." He pointed down the shore to their east at the wagon and cart that were rolling along to the camp. Steering them were a pair of humans, one an older man in his fifties, with greying brown hair and a short dark beard driving the wagon. Steering the horse drawn cart was a younger girl who was seemed to about twelve, she was skinny, with dark brown hair that was drawn back into a pony tail. As he drew close, the man threw up his arm and hollered, "Hello there Korick!" "Hello there Alden!" Korick called back, "Good to see you and your daughter, please come by the fire!" The two came to stop their vehicles fifteen feet away from the fire and disembarked. Alden and his daugther let loose their draft animals, the two docile oxen and the chestnut clydesdale immediately walked down to the water's edge to drink. "Well Korick, there's everything you asked for, two barrels of salted-fish, a keg of a Loudwater ale, four tents, a bag of sugar, a bag of coffee, five bags of nails, five lengths of chain, ten bags of spice, ten bolts of fine wool cloth, tools, -" "Don't need the whole list Alden, just tell me how you did with some of the harder stuff," Korick interject before he spent twenty minutes listening to a whole slew of mundane items. "Aye, well some of it wasn't easy but once folk understood the situation they wanted to help. I got here twenty flask of holy water from the church of Lathander, Dorn the smith made you ten silver daggers, and two scores of silvered arrows, I got ten blessed bandages, eight flasks of 'stabilized' alchemist fire, fifteen sunrods, the scorpion, crossbows, silvered bolts, and a bag of powdered silver from Keren the alchemist. The church also donated some scrolls as did that mage friend, said they'd do you well." Korick took a second to crawl on the look at the goods, " You've done well Alden, I trust the harpers took care of the payments?" He asked the farmer. "Yes they did, but honestly I'll be more than happy just to know there won't be demons flooding out the Moor's soon." Aden replied. "They're devil's Alden," "Is there a difference?" "Demons are crazy evil bastards, and devils are tricky evil bastards, first you kill with cold iron and the second with alchemist's silver." While her father and the halfling talked, Alden's daughter Gwendolyn found a seat by the fire and started warming herself by the fire while taking a few furtive glances at the odd group gathered around the fire.