Lydia nodded her ascent to the plan. She had already guessed that, once in the kingdom of demons, she and Ragna would resume acting as if they had never even been friendly at all. But at hearing a woman's name and being warned of her, Lydia easily assumed what Jezebel might be to Ragna as she already knew about his mother passing long ago. Lydia kept her face calm and did not let her emotions show. She had no claim on Ragna other than his oath to protect her, and therefore she had no right to be jealous. At the same time there was an ill feeling settling into her stomach at the thought of having possibly just lay with another woman's man, whether she might be his wife or simply his bedfellow. If this Jezebel was either of those, and Lydia was sure that she was, and she had known beforehand she wouldn't have lain with Ragna in the first place. She didn't like the idea of being a home wrecker--even to demons. Lydia could either spurn Ragna's advances from now on, or continue to accept them. She didn't know which yet. But as Ragna had asked once at his home she would pretend that he was nothing to her other than an escort bringing her before the demon king. "Shall we go then?" Lydianna asked, her voice kept light so as not to betray any hint of the upset she felt.