[quote=nerminator] [b]Uh huh, also stop calling me money bags[/b] Oliver said and he walked into the elevator, and noticed a vent, and squeezed his tiny little furry body through the vent and noticed a hole bunch of wires. Smiling as he unsheathed one of his claw and cut all of the wires except for 1 which was holding up the elevator, in a single swipe then he quickly gotten out of the elevator as it turned off, and was unusable, [b]well, its safe to say that the elevator is gone[/b] [/quote] All Shemp does is stare at him for a few long moments that stretch into eternity. "I meant find a switch or something, you idiot, not break it! I swear to god if we get our asses kicked again because of you....I just....hrrrrrrrr!" A small part of his brain screamed at his to paint this booth with the cats brain, and he had to grab both of his arms to keep that from happening. He stood there gripping himself and seethed.