"Everyone take a sunrod. We'll leave the remainder with the wagon. Same with the daggers and holy water flasks, if we're dealing with Fiends they will come in handy." She put action to words, going to the cart and withdrawing the case of daggers and the bundle of sunrods, sliding one of each into her swordbelt, then strapping the flask of holy water onto the side of her pack. She took a glance back under the cover. "Wait, -that- kind of Scorpion?" The small ballista lay nestled among the less interesting bags of goods, effectively invisible if you didn't know what you were looking for. "Well, I suppose if we need to fight a Dragon that'll come in handy. Nine Hells..." She began sorting through the equipment on the cart. "Markul, Eranah, you might want a look at these scrolls." She flicked one open and looked it over - the instructions for activating the magic stored within the parchment was familiar, a warding circle against evil powers. "I know how to handle this one, at least." She set it back down in the small case and left it among the specialized wares. She began sorting through their 'Cover Goods', mentally marking out which they would actually make use of and where to get at them in a hurry. Her inventory done she moved back to the campsite. "I can't think of anything that'd make us better equipped to fight fiends. Nothing that we can get our hands on, anyway, much as I'd like a flight of friendly Dragons or a battalion of the Tormtar."