[h3] Hobgoblins [/h3] Looking down from the sky Lammy could see a small band of hobgoblins that was scouting the area less than two miles away from were the others had camped. They were quickly making their way towards the fire, but hadn't seen it just yet. It would only be a matter of time before they spotted the Lammy's fellows and attacked. [h3] Korick [/h3] "I do like to be prepared, and I find even the largest monster's can be brought down with one of these. I will steer the wagon, we'll get there just after nightfall before the really nasty monsters wake up." Korick announced as he took a look at the wagon. It was a basic shape the kind of wagon favored by the towns around High Star Lake. It had a hull shaped like half of a pill, round at the bottom and round at both ends with a long straight body. The shape was used because needed, the wheels could be removed and wagon converted to a row boat for fishing and taking supplies across the lake. It was pulled by two ox's and behind them a sat the driver and a passenger on a bench. Aden nodded without saying much more and started to retrieve the ox's from the shore and lash back in. [h3] Gwendolyn[/h3] When her father told her some of his friends needed a delivery, Gwendolyn imagined men from the town, maybe a bit better armed. She didn't they woudld be a half-orc, angle-woman, golem, halfling, and a half-elf. The closet people to human were the lady-knight, and the one with glowing runes orbiting her head. And Lily was still covered in Larris's blood. She had never of what most of them were and the others she thought had only been myths until now. Finally she summoned her courage to to ask, "Hi, I'm Gwendolyn," She said quickly and shyly, as if making noise might anger on of them, "What are you?" she asked aloud to all of them As soon as the words left her mouth she realized how rude they sounded, her eyes went wide and she looked down at the ground hoping that if she didn't offend anyone.