Oram had decided to wait for Aria, that was apparently her name as spoken by the man conversing with Yai, to answer and stay out of the conversation between his master and Cronic until he was referenced. "Excuse me, but the boy can most certainly handle himself." He said shifting his attention to Cronic rather quickly. Of course, he knew that there was a possibility that things might get a little too hot to handle, but at the moment it felt as though not only his skill, but all he'd worked for was being questioned. Of course, it was a bit of an overreaction, but one would likely understand that he didn't have very much to hold pride in aside from his master and the skills he'd been working so hard on. Not to mention the fact that he didn't even really know this man, which he was sure would change over time. "I just hope your and the young lady can keep up with my master and I." He put more emphasis on his master than himself. He wasn't so cocky as to believe he was some amazing force (pun NOT intended) to be reckoned with. He wasn't even really as cocky as he might have seemed at the moment. He was simply reacting in accordance with how he felt. [i]Why did you even say that?[/i] He mentally scolded himself. Though he'd never openly doubt his own words. That'd just be stupid.