It was a pleasant surprise that Llarasa decided to buy the pack freshly baked bread, especially considering how light of a breakfast their coin had bought them. Even Lorag, who usually ate foods other than meat only begrudgingly, seemed glad to have it. It was regretful that they did not have the hours required for Fendros to truly catch up with his sister, but they could at least take advantage of the time they had. Given that Ahnasha and Llarasa had already been introduced, Meesei was the first to answer. "My name is Meesei; I am the alpha of this pack." She explained briefly. "I wish we had more time. Even if Monderyn does not want to have anything to do with your brother, it is good that you do. I...would suggest that Fendros might be able to send you letters, but there is the matter of allowing you to receive the letters without your parents knowing. I do not imagine that they would be happy if they learned that you knew he was alive, but did not tell them. Still, it might be possible for you to arrange some form of communication. But, introductions first." Moving on, Kaleeth gave her introduction, her speech still much more heavily-accented than Meesei's. "My name is Kaleeth-Rei. It's a pleasure to meet you...and thank you for the bread." She said, not really knowing what else to say beyond it. Lorag gave a nod as he started, with his overall body language being much more casual than the others. "Name's Lorag. Lorag gro-Konesh. Say, while we're talkin', you're here from Cheydinhal, right? You know Gharzal gra-Yurnol, old head of the fighter's guild chapter there? Her and her husband Konesh, they dead yet?" He asked, his tone surprisingly casual.