[color=crimson][i]Weird-o...[/i][/color] Carina sighed once again and watched TV for a while, drifting rather slowly. She didn't realize how tired she was either and when she woke once again, the TV was still going and the woman was still zonked out beside her. Sighing, she lifted herself from the couch and jumped down, deciding to take a shower. The woman probably wouldn't notice anyway. Carina hadn't slept that long, right? She still had a while before the woman woke up. Shifting her weight, Carina jumped down gracefully in an attempt to not disturb the woman. She really needed to give her a name... Maybe... Molly? Kat? Mmm... [color=crimson][i]Heh... I'll call her Missy.[/i][/color] She snorted as she walked around the house, exploring it. It didn't take her very long to find a bathroom with a shower. She shifted and the collar loosened around her neck. Turning a head, she looked at her naked body in the mirror, smirking at herself. She'd always been rather adorable, she had to admit to herself. Oh, how the guys had followed her around. ~ She snickered to herself before turning on the hot water. Spotting a radio next to the shower, Carina raised her brows. A smile grew on her face as she turned it on and tuned it to a channel with music she liked. Humming along, she stepped into the shower, the warm water flowing over her soft, pale skin. She bent her head back slowly and let the warm liquid run through her dark red hair, using her fingers to help it along. She found the soaps and such and bathed herself diligently, even going so far as to use Missy's razor, all the while with a big grin on her face. She was enjoying this, immensely. Why had she not thought of it sooner? Get some loser human to do the work for you! Though, it did limit her... but still. This shower was from the GODS. Stepping out after turning the water off, Carina took this chance to use one of the available towels to dry off before shifting back into her wolf form once again, shaking her fur to get the rest of the water off. From there, she padded around the house a bit more, learning where everything was. Soon, she found herself watching TV once again, next to Missy. Slowly, the night dragged on and Carina's eyes got heavier as the hours passed and soon sleep swept over her like a cool breeze.