[center][img]https://randomcasesofnothing.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/wpid-1309141954582446-characteristics-of-an-earth-witch.jpg[/img][/center] [url=http://projectm80.com/modules/mod_mainmenu/tmpl/skyrim-nightingale-armor-legendary-stats-i18.jpg]The four armors that she uses depending on her environment to increase her stealth[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Raffy Nimblefingers [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Class:[/b] Thief [b]Skills/Magick:[/b] Disguise/camouflage, stealth, wielding daggers, climbing, [b]Personality:[/b] Raffy is a snarky and sarcastic woman. She always wants people to hear her opinions and loves it when she’s right. She can be sly and secretive when she wants to be, even going as far as manipulating people to do her bidding, or she can be blunt and remorseless, telling it how it is in order to get to her enemy – that’s what makes her words a weapon, because nobody knows the truth about it. Raffy does not like to tell people about her past, mainly because she enjoys the shrouded mysteriousness that it gives her. [b]Brief Bio:[/b] To Be Revealed [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/353/a/3/knife_and_dagger_collection_by_angelvi-d5njcjq.jpg]Daggers[/url] [b]Equipment:[/b] - Cloak for the winter - Bed roll - Food rations - Poisons - Grapple hook - Rope [b]Other:[/b] It is known that Raffy Nimblefingers is not her real name