While the injuries might seem quite bad to an untrained eye the Doctor was not wholly concerned about Viral's well being, or rather he didn't think his life was in danger. Sure, there may be a little lightheadedness from the loss of blood but that could be easily fixed, and the injuries themselves would heal given the Beastman's healing abilities. That was what he had gathered from Vegeta's notes, and it would have to be the basis on how he'd work with Viral going forward. After patching up the injured shoulder easily enough they moved onto the leg, going through the same process to cover up the wound. "You want me to... Withhold information...?" the Doctor asked, sounding uneasy again. He was supposed to report anything and everything, even the most minor of cuts. Should he do as he was told however he'd be on the receiving end of Viral's anger, something he very much did not want to experience. Glancing uncertainly over at Yumi he frowned when she seemed to agree, sighing before nodding his head. "Very well, I'll keep everything here confidential. J-Just don't expect me to have to answer to Vegeta for this..." Just like that he had the leg wound covered as well, and with that they could move on to his nose. "First things first... I think we need to get you to relax. What can I do to help you relax, Viral? Anything you need, just name it." Takeshi was pretty much starry eyed over the promise of a big meal; fruit they picked from a tree out in the woods just wasn't doing it for him. Granted that was likely going to be the bulk of their meal later anyways, but at the very least he hoped to see a little meat. Smiling a bit uncertainly at Shu's question the older boy chuckled, rubbing at the back of his head and glancing away. "Uh... I sure hope they are buddy, I mean at this point they kind of have to be, you know? Not a whole lot we can do between now and then." It was true that T'charrl had yet to fully master his power yet, but they didn't have time to go over it all just now. He looked mostly his old self and he was in a pretty good mood, for the time being that was all they were going to be able to offer. "Things are going to work out just fine T'charrl, just you watch. Your mom and dad will be happy to see you and I'm sure everyone else will be too. All we gotta do is bring you home safe and sound and that's that." L'esta sincerely hoped that getting T'charrl home was as easy as Takeshi made it seem. Unlike the Upper City even now near everyone in the Lower City revered the royal family, even if some thought the Prince a bit odd. Seeing their Prince return from travels not just abroad, but to other worlds would no doubt spark interest, and his journey wasn't a secret. So long as they went the long way around and he made his men swear to keep their mouths shut everything ought to turn out just fine. "My being out isn't uncommon as of late, what with patrols and all. Let me worry about what the others will think, for now focus on regaining your strength. The sooner you feel up to it the sooner we can go see your mother and father."