Peter, observing the apathy of the people around him gave him a poor impression of Von Braun City. "Plebs." He muttered. He walked to the vacant battlefield. "I will accept your challenge." He answered the call. He got his Byzantine Gundam out of his case and placed it in the arena. When the GP base was set up, the base lightened up with the names and the Anaheim logo as the model was registering into the system. "So, show me what you got Von Braun." The golden Epyon variant began coming to life, ready to battle when the opponent is ready. Peter noted how the model damage has been set to the lowest due to the friendly nature of the match. When the battle looked like it was about to start, a woman entered the store. She immediately placed away her glasses to reveal a more youthful look she hid. The owner of the store noticed the new customer but returned to his Val Walo, working on the red paint. She took notice of the battles that are about to take place and a girl working on a customised Strike-Freedom. She chose to watch the scenes from the background and pose as buying new kits. Back at the school where the Gundam merchandised car was there was one thing that was forgotten. It was a strap that looked like it had Quatre Raberba Winner left on the ground and the teacher would only notice something is missing after she returns home.