Lily rose to her feet and stepped back, spinning to face Lammy. "Fifteen minutes..." She muttered something very Un-Paladinlike under her breath, then she moved to the fire and began kicking the earth over it, smothering the flames. "Aden, take Gwendolyn and get to cover. We can handle this. Korick, find a position to provide covering fire. We'll draw them down to the shore for the fight. Lammy, Markul, do whatever you can to disrupt them. Vines, fireballs, anything. Eranah, if you can manage any divine assistance now would be a good time. Nyshara, Batche, prepare yourselves for battle. We'll be holding the line." She drew her blade, and dropped to one knee, speaking a low prayer - loud enough that the others could hear and join if they chose, but not so loud that they couldn't tune it out. "Torm, stand with us. Ilmater, protect us. Tyr, guide us. Grant us the courage to stand against what comes, and the will to stand again when it is done." The words were old and familiar, a common battle prayer of the Paladins of the Triad. As she spoke a sort of warmth flowed into them, a sense that the Gods were on their side. [hider=Spellcast] Bless, bonus to morale and increased resistance to fear. [/hider]