//Here is an example sheet I made of the Archon whom will be a major NPC or myself for the game. I purposely left some things out which will be explained in-game, but everything you guys need to know is there, I believe. Name: Tomaso Vivaldi Sex: Male Date of Birth: 1598 Image/Description: [img]http://wiki.chronicles-of-blood.com/images/Avatars-Tremere_male.jpg[/img] Species: Kindred Background/Occupation: Archon of the Camarilla, in his past life, he was a Banker and one-time attempter at Alchemy Residence: Has a haven in Venice, Italy. Though for now his current whereabouts are unknown. Personal Possessions: Carries a wooden staff, a silver dagger in the shape of the Camarilla ankh, a couple blood packs, his pocketwatch, his wallet, and his book on Thaumaturgy rituals and spells everywhere he goes. Backstory: Born in Venice to a modestly successful merchant family during the Renaissance, Tomaso Vivaldi grew up under the shadow of older brothers and sisters, dooming his chances of ever actually taking over his family's business, he was still expected to aid the family however he might. Studying as banker's apprentice, he developed a fascination for alchemy and the occult in his spare time, in spite of his parent's harsh reprimands to devote his time to the family and Christian teachings. He bought tomes on Paracelsus and other alchemists, but despite all the ritual and precise instruction, he only made a fool of himself trying to turn lead into gold, or perform other alchemical transformations. Dissatisfied, he buried his nose in his work, eventually becoming a banker himself right before the Black Plague hit Venice again in his lifetime in 1630. The Plague hit Tomaso's family hard, killing his father and many of his siblings within months, fearing death from possibly having caught the plague himself and the death of the rest of his family imminent, he scoured the streets of Venice looking for a cure. That fateful night, a pale-skinned man claiming Roman descent by the name of Carlo Urbino approached his pleas for help, and promised him a cure from the plague back at his apartment. Desperate and unsuspecting, Tomaso followed Carlo, to be cured of the plague, but also to be embraced as a member of the Tremere Clan that night, and joining the legions of the Lost and the Damned. His remaining family members would eventually be saved by being made Ghouls of Tomaso, though he left them to their business, never fully sealing the blood bond, and merely prolonging their lives. As his sire, Carlo explained the basics of Kindred society to Tomaso and taught him of his new abilities of Thaumaturgy, duties to his clan, and responsibilities as a Cainite. He also introduced him to many members the fairly recently formed Camarilla when they held their Conclave in Venice, 4 years later. Afterwards, he lost his Fledgling status and began serving his clan as they plied their machinations and those of the Camarilla across Europe for nearly the next 400 years. All the while practicing his art of Thaumaturgy and mastering his control over blood, fighting against Sabbat, Hunters, and other enemies which waged war with the Camarilla over the centuries. In 2011, when the Camarilla met again in their annual Venetian Conclave, and new Justicars were appointed by the Inner Circle. One in particular, Sophia Eckhardt of Clan Toreador, selected him, in secret towards the Conclave's conclusion, as one of her Archons, whereupon he has served her loyally for the past 4 years. Personal affiliations: Justicar Sophia Eckhart (Blood Bonded to) (Kindred Only) Clan: Tremere Embraced: 1630 Generation: 10th Generation Disciplines: Thaumaturgy, Presence, Domination Weaknesses: Fire, Sunlight Sire?: Carlo Urbino (Deceased) Rank?: Kindred Childe(r)?: N/A Political Affiliations: Camarilla Anything else of note?: He is of the 5th Circle of Mastery within the Tremere Clan