"Possibly," Sophia agreed as she peered at the hole with a mixture of interest and worry. "But we'll never know until we try. It [i]could[/i] turn into something awesome. Could you imagine having a place akin to Narnia (but hopefully without the evil witches and stuff) that you could explore whenever you liked? That'd be so cool! And if we find out this place is bad news then we won't ever go back again. We'll just ignore the tunnels whenever they appear until they disappear." What Sophia didn't say though is that this one had been open for a while now, and she was starting to wonder about that. How long did it take it to close? Did someone have to go through it? Another question popped into Sophia's head. Turning to Tim she said, "I realized something. Everything we saw when we went through the one at the park... It looked exactly like the park, but it wasn't that. If this place really is like a mirror world, do you think we'll come out into an apartment that looks just like yours? Though it probably won't have your stuff, since the other place didn't have my car."