Ib blinked in surprise when the creature with the hat apologized for leaning against her legs(which, to be honest, she really didn't notice because she had been too busy trying to figure out where in the world she was.) She tilted her head as she examined him a moment. He couldn't be real could he? Whatever he was, she was wary with her response. "That's alright. And no thank you, I'm fine." She replied in her normal quiet voice. She noticed some of the other beings were coming around, once again asking the generic questions. Except one, he wanted to know why one person's hair was blue. Ib blinked her red eyes in surprise before shrugging it off. Everyone gathered was a little weird to be honest. She still wasn't sure about the talking feline that called himself Darkhunter or the creature before her that claimed to be Joxter. Frankly, she just wanted to be home in bed with this whole nightmare behind her.