Nyshara was about to respond to Gwendolyn when Lily gave the order. She stood up, and drew her sword while looking forward. She dashed over to Lily and take a fighting stance. "Tarmuid and cabal be with me for if I fall know I did so in your name. Now blaze with fury Thakhe Kaluhoon." She takes a deep breath while holding her katana in her right hand and sets it ablaze. The flame replaces the metal of her sword raging with passion as she prepares herself for battle. "May the skirmish fare well for you Lily for you shall have my aid." She wasn't about to let her new companions suffer in combat, it just wasn't in her nature. She said she was going to do something, and her word is her bond. [hider=Sword name meaning] The end of life in Illumian. [/hider]