[center][img]http://s4.favim.com/orig/48/anime-girls-sisters-red-hair-Favim.com-463810.jpg[/img] ~Autumn= Left, 4’10 | Alison= Right, 5’0~ Autumn Marie and Alison Sage Corvo 16 Autumn~ Autumn is a very shy and caring girl. She is rather clumsy however and trips over her feet more often than not. She blushes and becomes embarrassed very easily and she is also very sensitive and easy to upset. She is very self-conscious about herself and not all that confidant. She tries to hide her feelings from people because she doesn’t want them to worry. A lot can be hidden behind one of Autumn’s smiles. Alison~ Alison is the polar opposite of her twin. She is not afraid to speak her mind and tell you what she thinks of you. She can be very feisty and has a bit of a temper. Only her sister has any hope of really calming her down. That said, Autumn is very protective of her sister though she does like to tease her from time to time. Autumn~ [u][b]Healing-[/b][/u] She is able to heal any wound though this draws from her own strength. If she tries to heal an extreme wound there is a high chance of her dying. She is not able to bring people back to life. And as well as people, she is also able to heal animals and plants. Alison~ [u][b]Blood Manipulation-[/b][/u] Alison is able to use her blood and form it into any weapon/item she desires. However, this uses her actual blood and therefore she must replenish it or she will die. If she uses too much she will suffer anemia and grow weak. She has to be very careful. And there also has to be a cut or wound from which she can draw the blood from. Autumn~ 2 Alison~ 4 Autumn was born mute and so she uses sign language and a notebook. Autumn also can not swim, is afraid of the dark and doesn’t like heights. Alison doesn’t like people who bully others, her sister being hurt, and spiders. Autumn's hobbies are drawing, taking pictures and reading. Alison likes sports and just being out in nature period.[/center]