" It's too late now, we fight here, glad I picked a defensible spot to camp." Korick muttered as he scrambled across the top of the wagon to the top of a pair of large boulders that were nine feet high, on top of the height of the hillock where he had put the campfire. "Alden, there's a thicket to the north east, you should have passed it earlier, take Gwen there and wait for me." The farmer didn't need to be told twice, he grabbed his daughter by the arm and took her up the shore. Meanwhile Korick told Beth to stay behind the rock in cover, and wait for the Hobgoblins to get close. "If it makes you feel better I agree with you two," He said to Vis and Markel, as a bolt hit the boulder he was perched on, " But I think you'll have harder time making them feel that way." He nocked an arrow in his bow and took aim, spying two hobgoblins with crossbows in their hands and long swords at their sides, wearing simple scale armor. He took his first shot that passed between the two, but atleast made them run for some cover. "This looks like an Ironskull scouting party, maybe eight in total. Those two archers in the lead, they'll be followed by a four of footmen with sword and board, and another two spearmen. And if our luck is shite, a cleric. Stick together, they're trained to fight in pairs and won't hesitate to gang up on one person." He yelled. He could already see the footmen coming over the rise to the south east, they had heavy wooden shields, curved broadswords, and were equiped with helmets as well as scale armor. One wearing a much finer set of mail took a second at the crest to survey the parties defenses and bark orders in Goblin before charging towards them with the others.