Autumn obediently slid from her chair, leaving her plate untouched as she padded over to the door on barefeet. She kept her gaze on the ground to avoid eye-contact as she followed after the doctor. She soon arrived at the gym. She peeked up under her hair, eyes widening at such a big place. She felt even tinier standing in it. She stood off to the side, stuffed bunny clenched to her chest as she waited for instructions. [color=red]Ever the obediently pet. They say jump and you ask how high.[/color] Mary sneered from the back of her mind. [color=red]We could break out you know.[/color] Autumn frowned as she realized what Mary was implying. [color=gold]"No Mary, I don't want anyone to get hurt!"[/color] Mary scoffed. [color=red]Look what happened to our mother.[/color] [color=gold]"I didn't do that. You did!"[/color] Autumn whimpered. [color=red]Be that as if may, I'm still apart of [i]you[/i].[/color] [color=gold]"No!"[/color] Autumn said, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Mary was [i]wrong[/i]. She couldn't have done that to mommy. It was all Mary's fault, everything was Mary's fault!