Stepping forward towards the telepad after Winnifred’s arrival, Rian brought a hand up to shield his eyes from the flash that accompanied the teleportation spell. Dropping his hand away after the bright light had subsided, he took in the group’s new surroundings. It was… quaint, that was the best word he found for this small ruralistic town they’d arrived at. He didn’t spend too long dwelling on their immediate surroundings as it seemed safe enough, and looked to set off in search of the locals for information. Thankfully that part of the mission seemed to handle itself as a driver pointed them in the direction of their target. Returning Winnifred’s nod, he followed after the blonde with his eyes peeled; if the Cockatrice got the drop on them things would go bad fairly quickly. His staff left small holes as he used it like a walking stick, driving its butt into the soft earth underfoot. The length and heavy head made it somewhat unwieldy to carry about and doing so made his life somewhat easier.