Nele was snuggled under a warm blanket, showing no sign of response to the incessant beeping of her lap top. It was only a little while before she was awoken by her father, telling her to deal with the noises from her computer, and also to finally wake up. "Prasti, papa!" Nele said before quickly silencing the notifications. Her father than told her that he would be leaving for work, and there was food for her when she was hungry. After bidding her dad goodbye with plenty of "Ja vas l'ubl'u!", Nele was quick to grab a snack and return to her chums. First was Nathan, who's installation had just finished. Same for Nele, so now the fun could begin. SA: mine tOO! i'm reaDy tO start whenever yOu are! Then were VM and FF SA: Mine are here tOO. DA and I are gOnna Check it Out. SA: AlsO..Does either Of yOu want tO be my server player :? SA: I want tO play the Client prOgram sOOn tOO