The Joxter gave a curt nod to the girl before addressing the crowd again with an expressive, half-joking frown. "So, we've a Darkhunter, a Joxter, and a Mizn what's-it gadget. Are the rest of you going to go nameless while you bicker? I'd like to get out of here, if it's all the same to you, and that might be easier if we were talking to each other. Say, for example," He flicked his wrist in the general direction of the young women who'd just made herself into a lioness (strange behavior). "What might we call you, lovely miss?" His words were confident but he wasn't feeling it as much as he usually would. To be honest, he was beginning to think he'd noticed something deeply disturbing about the paintings in the exhibit, and it was making him [i]extremely[/i] uncomfortable. He didn't fancy staying there much longer than he had to.