Felice growled at the dog-like creature as he walked to the door. How irritating. He was worse than those stupid cookies. He wasn't even that far behind, he had just taken a moment to properly brush off his vest after standing up. Shaking his head, he sat back down again for a moment as he checked his vest again; he had to be prepared after all, even if another of Vlad's dogs was being annoying. He knew what he was doig. A puppet didn't need a guard if its strings were already being pulled. Finally deciding that he was prepared, he stood up again and walked toward the gym at his own pace. It wasn't too slow, because he knew that they needed to get moving to avoid any further punishment then was already planned for the day, but he wasn't about to jump to the scientists side immediately even if he had his number. When he arrived at the gym, he took a brief look around to familiarize himself with the layout before choosing a place just outside of the center to stand for the moment. He was sure that they would be given instructions soon enough.