[h2][center][u]Drakenguard[/u] Chapter 1: Wallguard[/center] [quote][hider=Chapter 1 Synopsis]Shiki is a young dragon who knows nothing of the world above his own. His elder broodmate, Saya, wishes to learn more about that very same world. After being given the task of gathering information on their human enemy by Draken-King Deidreig, the two siblings set off towards their destination: the human capital of Atland.[/hider][/quote][/h2] The hastened, rhythmic pounding of iron-sole footwear reverberated through a cavernous passage. The cavern, itself, was dimly lit by unusual plants possessing lamp-like bulbs. The luminescence emitted by these plants shone like fire in that they would flicker often and never kept a steady stream of illumination. A shadowy figure makes its way swiftly through the passage. Just why is the figure running? The answer could be found at the end of the tunnel: a light. It was simply a light at the end of the tunnel that had attracted the figure. Seeing this light, the figure smiled. The mysterious figure sped up when it noticed the close proximity between it and the light at the tunnel's end. As the figure got closer, the light source grew in size suggesting that the figure was nearing an exit or, in this case, an entrance. Bursting out into the open world was a young man with strange blue hair and golden eyes; an excited expression framed his face. "I made it! This is the world above ground!" the young man gloriously exclaimed as if it were meant for everyone in the world to hear. [center][i][b]A magnificent sight lies before his very eyes! The blue expanse known as the "sky" is in his reach![/b][/i][/center] Although he may appear human, this young man is, in fact, a dragon - an actual, living dragon. Believed to have been extinct for over two centuries as a result of the Draken-Hume War, dragons have actually sought shelter underneath the surface of Terrania; slowly rebuilding their population and strength in preparation for an assault on the human race. This particular dragon is named Shiki - a small dragon, indeed, but he has the blood of Draken-King Deidreig flowing through his veins. The same goes for his elder broodmate, Saya, or as a human would call her, Shiki's older sister. Nearly two days ago, the two dragon siblings were summoned by Deidreig, himself, and were given a mission of the utmost importance: invade the human capital and spy on the humans. Only when enough information has been gathered about their enemy will the dragons launch a surprise attack on the human race with their ultimate goal being to eliminate every single human from existence; just like what the humans attempted to accomplish during the Draken-Hume War. Now, Shiki and Saya have finally arrived at the surface world. Shiki stared at the expanse of blue sky with overflowing amazement in his eyes; awing at its splendor. One day, Shiki will be flying in that very sky - it's a promise he made to himself. As he continued to gaze - mouth wide opened - suddenly, Shiki's eyes began to water. "GAH!" Shiki wailed painfully as he fell onto his back and rolled around wildly while his hands covered his eyes. "My eyes! I'm going blind!" Shiki howled. "Shiki, you shouldn't stare directly at the sun like that." a mature, masculine voice emanated from the cavern. Appearing at the cavern's entrance were three new figures: a beautiful, young woman with radiant blue hair and matching eyes; following behind her were two dragons. [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/098/e/0/Brass_Dragon_by_BenWootten.jpg]One[/url] of the dragons is a pale shade of yellowish-brown with rugged scales while the [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/098/d/7/Copper_Dragon_by_BenWootten.jpg]other[/url] is pale red with smoother scales. The one that had warned Shiki about the dangers of peering into the sun was the much older, yellow-brown dragon. These two dragons are actually Shiki and Saya's guide to the surface world and they work directly for Deidreig. Needless to say, the older-looking young woman is Shiki's broodmate, Saya, who is unmistakably much wiser about the surface world than her younger sibling. Shiki stood up off the ground and looked back at the three with teary eyes. "So that giant fireball is the 'sun'?" Shiki asked as he wiped away his tears and looked back up at the sky. This time around, he covered the sun with one of his hands. "It's brighter than any of the lantern plants growing underneath the surface." Shiki remarked. "Come along now, I have something to give to the two of you." the yellow-brown dragon called Shiki over. "Here Saya, you should hold onto this." the same dragon continued as he handed Saya an old, slightly-torn map. "It's a map of this region of Terrania. It will lead you to Atland. Although it's about a few decades old, it should still be fairly accurate." he explained. "Our work here is done. It's entirely up to you two now. Make us proud to have been your mentors." the red dragon stated. "We will. We'll make the entire dragon race proud." Shiki nodded. After the goodbyes were said, the two elder dragons retreated back into the safety of the dark cavern to return to Drakehaven - the capital city of dragons. Shiki looked to his older sister in hopes that she would lead the way. After all, she was one of the few dragons of the brood that was taught to read a map. "So, which direction are we heading, Saya?" Shiki asked curiously. After that, the two set off on their way. [Atland; Wallguard Barracks] Alere Ruadhan and a few other Wallguards had been told to report to Captain Gungneer's post the previous day. Apparently, they had an important assignment that required their attention; one that will take them beyond the reach of the Wall. It was still early morning - nearing noon. The briefing is supposed to take place in the next five minutes or so. After Alere's morning played out, he is supposed to promptly arrive at the briefing. Already gathered there were three other Wallguards: two belonged to the Wyvern Corps while the other is a member of the Magic Brigade. They spoke casually amongst themselves as they awaited for the arrival of Captain Mervas Gungneer - a prominent officer of the Assault Troops who wields a massive battle axe that nearly dwarfs its own wielder who, himself, is a monster of a man. Finally he arrived - dressed in heavy red armor and a tattered cape. With short dark bluish hair, an impressive beard, and a huge scar running down his left cheek, Captain Gungneer commanded the immediate attention of the Wallguards assembled at his post. "Alright, listen up, lasses!" he mocked, though in a playful sort of way that one would typically note about a commanding officer. "Rumor has it that some three-hundred goblins are headed this way to invade Atland. As you all know, we haven't seen an invasion by the goblin forces in about a week's time so the rumor don't seem to hold much weight. However, the higher-ups are nervous and so, in their ivory towers, they sent word down here to the Wall for us to go investigate. That's where you lot come in. Go south to the outskirts of here and see what you can find. You most likely won't find anything but I still need a report. Get going, lasses!" Gungneer briefed the unit. After gearing up and finishing whatever little things they needed to do before setting out for the day, the small unit of Wallguards headed to the massive forest on the outskirts of Atland. Knowing goblins, they love trekking through the forest pass. It provides great cover to launch a surprise invasion upon Atland. Unfortunately for those green-skinned brutes, none of their invasions so far have been successful. Nevertheless, they'd never stopped trying - they're definitely persistent if nothing else. But, as of late, it's been rather quiet. Goblin invasions are usually frequent and in smaller numbers. Perhaps they're trying to amass a large number of soldiers for one big invasion. In any case, that's what this unit was supposed to be investigating. Flying just above the forest are the two Wyvern Corps Wallguards from earlier. Down below on the forest floor, Alere and the Magic Brigade Wallguard marched forward. Alere rode on his own wyvern: a Nightstorm Wyvern by the name of Raum. "Hey, why isn't Alere flying with us up here?" a female Wyvern Corps member named Mira asked her superior who is a young man named Quince. "You're new so you probably haven't heard this but Alere's wyvern has a bit of a difficulty when it comes to flying. Most of the time, it's grounded." Quince explained. Mira was curious as to what had happened to Raum but she kept quiet. Quince then grabbed his shell necklace - an item that everyone in the party is wearing - and began to speak into it. "How are you guys doing down there? Find anything?" he asked the two down below. The shell necklace that everyone is wearing is a magic item that allows communication from a distance. The two of them below should be careful. Who knows what kind of monsters lurk in these woods.