[b]"Okay... Well, least he doesn't have the personality of a brick wall like most Jedi. I think we'll get along just fine... Oram, was it? Crobalt Nicholas Crystalis. Jedi Knight, though everyone just calls me Cronic. Got a bit of a reputation of a loose cannon these days, but when you've seen some of the things me and Aria have, sometimes you have to not do things by the book to get things done. I like to think it's why me and Aria are still breathing... Even if it does piss off the brass, and is the reason I'm still a Knight."[/b] Cronic said, mockingly coughing after he said brass, before offering one hand to Oram for a handshake. [b]"But unorthodox enemies like the Sith call for unorthodox tactics, no?"[/b]