A brief succession of peculiar unarticulated, trilling sounds escaped the mechanical hound after Felice grumbled in his direction and headed for the hall. It sounded as if Hokey was amused by his displeasure, if anything. He did not show any hint of at all remorsing for perhaps going too far with his commanding, pushy demeanor. He shifted over to the door frame and waited by its side as he monitored the remaining stragglers. It was also as good a time as any to make up for lost time examining what would from now on be his comrades. The one called "Crusher" most immediately caught his attention. How could it ever be otherwise? He stood head and shoulders above the rest of the occupants, even "Shane", who his scanners had measured as around six feet tall. Of even more interest, his computers informed him that this "Crusher" was, like him, a cybernetic organism, given the power signatures criss-crossing his body. While not technologically enhanced to the extreme extent Hokey was, he was nonetheless a fellow augment. "[i]I'll have to get to know that one,[/i]" he thought. "[i]Or be wary of him.[/i]" He added. He returned his attention to Shane. Shane was the only one that Hokey was already familiar with, as coincidence would have it. "[i]There's the one that technician was mad about. Patterson, I think? Yeah. Patterson. Patterson had said he was sick of Shane upstaging him whenever he came by. He must be really good at what he does, if he was able to make even Patterson look like an idiot. Another one to keep my eyes on, I think.[/i]" Finally, there were Roxy and Ariella. "[i]Now these two are tough to place. I guess I'll know what powers they've got when they show them off. It'd be handy if we were actually issued briefings, so we know who we're working with.[/i]" At that last bitter note, his fangs clenched again for a moment. "[i]Roxy looks like the sort of girl pop would kill me for talking to, though. I know that much.[/i]" As the other occupants took longer than anticipated to sort out their business, Hokey laid down lazily as he patiently waited.