Taeion followed the smell of burning to one of the larger crates. There was a medium sized, charred hole in it, which had smoke coming out of it profusely, he also thought that he heard some kind of squeak, although that was likely just his imagination. Taeion blinked once, and slowly crawled over to the hole, ensuring that he did not make a sound in case there were truly fire rats in there. He was not very accustomed to fighting such creatures. In fact, he couldn't really recall ever seeing one. He was not too sure of how large they really were, or more importantly - whether they could breathe fire or not. He looked around; maybe he could find a stone to throw into the crate? A few seconds of searching yielded no results. Taeion sighed, digging into his pocket, and pulling out a shuriken. For some reason, he stored a lot of his throwing weapons within his pocket - not a very good idea considering how sharp some of them were. He would end up cutting his hand or something. Still, now was not the time for him to be assessing his storage choices, and he quickly tossed the sharp object through the hole in the crate. At that moment, it occurred to him that if there were in fact fire rats inside of that crate, they would likely scatter. The less likely scenario would be that they would all team up on him and attack at the same time. Both scenarios were fairly bad in their own right. Still, it was slightly too late to simply take a different approach, as the shuriken had already hit the inside of the crate. [i]Clink[/i]. Taeion took several steps backward and awaited some sort of reaction.