"I've got just the thing," Ryuota said in response to Haruka's suggestion of luring the creature out, looking at the surroundings befoRe he turned back to them to continue his sentence. The corn stalks were tall, almost as tall as them even. It was hard trying to peer through them and every so often a breeze would rustle the fIelds, causing a small racket. This could be a problem - If the monster was shorter than them, but he had doubts it would be. According to ancient accounts, that is. Was Ryouta ready to bet his life on old housewives' tales? "We should probably get into formation first." He remarked. Even for a Rank D mission the senior seemed not one to go easy. "Haruka-chan, this place looks perfect for hiding though." While he knew little about shades and how their techniques worked exactly, he knew that they were experts at taking their opponents by suprise - and the corn fields seemed very much brimming with such opportunities. So he thought. "I'm going to try lure it out to the very edge of the fields so Haruka-chan won't loose her advantage, yet where Miss Winnifred can still see us and back us up from afar." He recalled Winnifred mentioning that she was a sniper, glancing at the weapon she carried had confirmed his guess. "And Rian could start casting when it is in view, I'll try to keep it off everyone. I'm going to use," He touched the screen of his watch and a hologram appeared, on it was the illusion of a speaker phone with the title reading "Rooster's Crow". "-This." He shrugged. "I heard it reacts badly to this." According to text, the crow would kill it outright. Maybe even completing the job! Despite his often relaxed composure, Ryouta seemed to know his lore. "Is this good?" He asked everyone, wanting their opinions. Then only when they all agreed and were ready, would he play the sound.