Viral had plenty of plans to how he might tell Vegeta when the time came, but for now he wasn’t wanting the information he might receive passed on behind his back before he could defend himself. The Doctor could easily go up and tell Vegeta everything and Vegeta would gradually become angered at how reckless he was for letting these injuries happen to him until it all exploded with guilt-ridden quiet rage that would only cause him to feel terrible. For now he didn’t think Vegeta knowing through the Doctor’s side would do him any good and would probably tell him later instead when the time comes. Staring at the Doctor as he contemplated the question he sighed and looked away when the Doctor agreed if with a little hesitation. “I’ll answer to Vegeta myself. I don’t need you being the middle man”, he grumbled, looking down at his injuries, “You just tell me what you would tell him”. Moving his leg once it was properly treated he frowned when the Doctor suggested relaxing, his eyes going to Yumi quickly before back to the Doctor. “Relax? Hmph…I suppose my medicine”, he spoke up, knowing it was just an effect of the medicine but was still pretty confident that it could do its part in chilling him out, “Just give me something to swallow it down with before I pass out…” Shu gave T’charrl a nervous smile before looking to Takeshi. T’charrl didn’t sound too confident that his parents would be happy upon his return, but that was going to be the norm until they finally met up once more. He could understand why, but he hoped he wasn’t trying to avoid seeing his parents again. “Ooh! I hope it will be okay! Scary…” he spoke, giving his back a quick scratch which eventually had his fish around for his tail, snatching the fruit he had been holding. Making a quick bounce away he sat down, munching away at the fruit as if it would be stolen from him if he didn’t eat it fast enough. He was happy to be back on this planet where there was nothing but fruit for him to feast on, his interest in meat not particularly high when there was fruit around everywhere. It was all delicious as always, but he was definitely looking forward to what his friend’s parents might have in store for them, even if it was rude to go straight up and ask for dinner just as their son arrived back home. T’charrl gave a little smile at Takeshi, trying to feel the enthusiasm as well. If his mother wasn’t happy when he returned after being captured for two weeks then she was going to be so angry at him knowing it took him this long to get in contact with her again. He didn’t know if Katas had set up exclusive communication between him and Vegeta yet so there was no way of contacting her before, but he didn’t think his mother would understand that just like he didn’t understand technology himself. “Just uhh…be wary that they don’t greet people in the same way as you might. I’m really hoping they don’t lash out at you guys”, he sighed, giving a little nod, “You’ve seen my mother has a habit of hitting people if there’s one thing wrong with me…she’s quite protective of me”. He didn’t doubt his mother’s love even when she lashed out, knowing it was for his own good. He could had been an entirely different person if his mother wasn’t harsh with him and he appreciated her for her dedication to make him a strong Prince. Looking to L’esta he frowned a little, not particularly happy to know there had been a lot of patrols. “Has there been more patrolling since after I left? I hope the trouble you speak of isn’t too extreme…” he frowned, gradually deciding to get up. He had eaten plenty more than enough now and shouldn’t go mad on sugar, especially if everyone was expecting a meal upon his return. “I-I think I can do it now. I don’t feel so weak in the legs. I need to be strong…”